Exeter City Council Adopts Revised CIL Charging Schedule

As of 1st January 2024, Exeter City Council’s revised Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule became effective.


Below shows the different development types the schedule will apply to and what £/m2 charge they will have:

The above schedule is separated into different types of developments.


So, what has changed?

For residential schemes, excluding Use Class C2 and those listed separately in the schedule, the charge is £80/m2 before indexation. Now, this is £136.07/m2 for 2024, which has effectively doubled since 2013.

However, for flatted developments, there is a nil charge – this was a new introduction in the revised document this year.

Built to Rent developments and co-living, purpose-built managed rental accommodation both have a £50/m2 charge before indexation. Again, these were newly introduced in January 2024, so it will be a cost to factor into your scheme that wouldn’t have been there before.  

Purpose-built student accommodation has a higher £/m2 charge than the above at £150. This is only on properties where the occupation is limited to students through planning obligations and permission. In 2013, this was £40/m2, so this has over tripled in the new schedule which will have a substantial impact on the overall viability of a development.  

Retail spaces (Use Class A1-A5) outside of the City Centre have a charge of £125/m2 before indexation. This also includes spaces formerly Use Class A1-A5. For 2024 granted development, this is £212,61/m2, so a significant increase and will contribute to higher development costs.

All other developments have a nil charge for CIL, this has continued over from the 2013 CIL Charging Schedule.

How this is calculated…

In Exeter, CIL is calculated against the GIA of any new units and development exceeding 100m2; there are exceptions for both affordable housing and self-build proposals.

If you need assistance with CIL charges, offsets or exemptions, or if CIL has impacted the viability of your scheme, please do get in touch to discuss.

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