There are three types of planning appeals.
Written reps, hearing, or inquiry.
Whichever route you’re going down, it’s essential that you front load your case from the outset when you submit your planning appeal.
This is not just an administrative task. It is essential to have a comprehensive strategy from the start.
If you’re thinking of making a planning appeal, you should talk to us immediately, before submission.
You should be thinking about this potential outcome and your preferred strategy even when you make your planning application.
We provide appeal submissions and expert support to ensure the inspector fully understands the details of the viability case, what has been agreed and what is contended, and that there are no misconceptions surrounding viability methodology, adopted policy, planning legislation, the facts of the site, or the individual values included in any financial viability appraisal.
By submitting an appeal viability statement as part of your statement of case at the start of the process we can engage with the council’s viability assessors and agree a statement of common ground thereby increasing chances of success considerably.
It is not often realised that a planning appeal is a rehearing of the matter. Therefore, even if viability has not been considered at the planning application stage, you can introduce the matter into the appeal. This must be done from the day you submit the planning appeal.
If you're thinking about an appeal, or heading for a refusal, contact us today to discuss how we can help.
Call us today for a free consultation. Market leader in viability assessment and Section 106 negotiation.
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