Central Bedfordshire

Amount sought
30 affordable houses
Amount AchiEved
10 affordable houses
Indicative saving
c.£1.5 million

S106 Management acted for the applicant in this case involving a large greenfield development of 100 units. Following extensive examination of the evidence we concluded that the proposed contributions were not viable due to high infrastructure costs. We submitted a viability report and supporting evidence to the council. Following review and negotiations with the council’s consultant a revision to 10% affordable housing in line with the NPPF para 64 was agreed.

Contact us today to discuss your s106 affordable housing viability needs.

More case studies:

Cotswold Barns

Read case study
Amount sought
Amount AchiEved
Indicative saving

Wokingham 2

Read case study
Amount sought
Amount AchiEved
£100,000 + Review Mechanism
Indicative saving

Torridge 2

Read case study
Amount sought
£2.1m in S106 Contributions and 60 On-site Affordable Units.
Amount AchiEved
c.£1.2m in S106 Contributions and zero affordable housing units.
Indicative saving

High Section 106 costs are avoidable

Call us today for a free consultation. Market leader in viability assessment and Section 106 negotiation.

Call us now on
01392 840002
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