East Devon

Amount sought
30 affordable houses (70% affordable rent, 30% shared ownership)
Amount AchiEved
22 affordable houses (50% affordable rent, 50% shared ownership)
Indicative saving
c.£1m +

In viability cases where a policy-compliant amount and tenure mix is not achievable, there is always the opportunity to amend and optimise the delivery onsite rather than attempting to agree an offsite contribution, commuted sum or reduce to zero. It is often, in fact, many local authorities’ preference to achieve maximum quantum delivery over the specific tenure mix allocated in the local plan.


In this case S106 Management acted for the applicant in extensive renegotiations following submission of a new application on a previously consented site. This process resulted in reduction from original affordable housing amount and mix sought by LPA of 30 units split 70% affordable rent and 30% shared ownership, to 22 units split 50% affordable rent and 50% shared ownership. This allowed delivery of additional affordable units onsite for the council within the constraints of viability, while achieving a c.£1 million reduction in the overall cost of delivery for the applicant and ensuring deliverability of a large 59 unit housing development.

Contact us today to discuss your s106 affordable housing viability needs.

More case studies:

Cotswold Barns

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Amount sought
Amount AchiEved
Indicative saving

Wokingham 2

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Amount sought
Amount AchiEved
£100,000 + Review Mechanism
Indicative saving

Torridge 2

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Amount sought
£2.1m in S106 Contributions and 60 On-site Affordable Units.
Amount AchiEved
c.£1.2m in S106 Contributions and zero affordable housing units.
Indicative saving
High Section 106 costs are avoidable

Call us today for a free consultation. Market leader in viability assessment and Section 106 negotiation.

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01392 840002
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