Exeter Affordable Housing Policy

Exeter adopted their Core Strategy in February 2012, it is said to “set out the vision, objectives and strategy for the spatial development of the city”.

The new Exeter Plan is currently at consultation stage, and is likely to be introduced in the foreseeable future; therefore, there is potential for the policy below to change.

Core Policy 7 of the adopted Core Strategy sets out the expectations regarding affordable housing in the City of Exeter, this can be seen below:

As seen above, all developments that are capable of providing 3 or more dwellings will be required to provide 35% as affordable housing, subject to viability.

Exeter adopted their Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document in April 2014; this further outlines the below information:

The expectation is that the affordable housing units will be provided on-site; however, in exceptional circumstances, other provisions will be allowed.

Where the full 35% cannot be provided on-site – the initial next step would be to seek the leftover provision on an alternative site in Exeter. However, in reality this is usually delivered as a financial contribution, particularly if the 35% does not equate to a whole number of dwellings.

Any below policy compliant provision must be justified by a viability assessment.

We advise a site-specific viability assessment is completed on all developments of 3 dwellings or more in Exeter to avoid unviable costs.

Previous Work in Exeter

Proposed development = 25 flats converted from existing Grade II listed school buildings.

Policy Implications/Requirements = As a development of more than 3 units, 35% is expected as affordable housing.

Expectation on Affordable Housing = As the proposed development totals 25 units, 35% would equate to 9 dwellings to be provided as affordable housing.

Result = Following extensive negotiations, viability reporting and discussion of vacant building credit, the requirement was reduced to zero.

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