Waverley Affordable Housing Policy

Waverley adopted part 1 of their Local Plan: Strategic Policies and Sites in February 2018. It states that it “sets out the strategic policies relating to the development and use of land in Waverley”.

Policy AHN1 of the Local Plan sets out the expectations regarding affordable housing in the borough, this can be seen below:

As seen above, there are different thresholds as to when affordable housing applies on certain types of development.

In designated rural areas, a provision of 30% affordable housing will be required on all sites where there is a net increase of 6+ dwellings. For sites of less than 11 units in these areas, a financial contribution equivalent to the 30% could be accepted rather than on-site units.

For developments of 11+ dwellings in non-designated rural areas or for developments with a combined gross floorspace of more than 1,000m2, the expectation will also be an on-site provision of 30% affordable housing.

It would only be in exceptional circumstances that the above affordable housing provision could be provided as an off-site payment, rather than on-site units, such as non-viability.

This policy will be applicable to all different types of residential development, including mixed use schemes, retirements homes, sheltered accommodation and extra care schemes.

S106 Management recommend a site-specific viability assessment to be carried out on all developments of 6+dwellings in Waverley.

Previous Work in Waverley

Proposed development = Erection of 5 detached dwellings and associated works to the existing house.

Policy Implications/Requirements = 30% affordable housing is required on all residential developments of more than 1,000m2 gross combined floorspace.

Expectation on Affordable Housing = In this instance, it equates to 1.5 on-site units.

Result = An S106 contribution of £163,921.

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