Webinar: How to Make Section 106 Work for You

In this presentation S106 Management's Tom Furby and Nmbus Maps' Andrew Green discuss the basics of s106 agreements, their implications for buying and selling sites, the overall process of negotiating s106 agreements and planning obligations referencing viability and CIL Reg 122, and strategies to ensure that contributions do not render permissions undeliverable.

In today's hugely exciting marketplace, Section 106's can be an unknown cost within any development appraisal which can greatly affect what you pay for sites. Get this wrong - and your profits could be hugely affected. Join Andrew Green & Tom Furby as they talk through the simple process to make S106 work for you by minimising their impact and ensuring you don't come unstuck.

Brentwood Borough Council Adopt CIL Charging Schedule
October 19, 2023

Brentwood Borough Council Adopt CIL Charging Schedule

Brentwood Borough Council have adopted a CIL Charging Schedule.
Crawley Affordable Housing Policy
May 15, 2024

Crawley Affordable Housing Policy

Can your development remain viable with the requirements of the Affordable Housing Policy in Crawley?
High Section 106 costs are avoidable

Call us today for a free consultation. Market leader in viability assessment and Section 106 negotiation.

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01392 840002
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